lunes, 26 de agosto de 2024



馃憠 “INGL脡S” 馃憟

1. Quantifier pronoun “any”
Indique la alternativa que debe insertarse en el siguiente espacio para que la oraci贸n tenga sentido completo.
My brother is a lazy person. He never does ___________ work at home. UNI-2024-II.
A) no
B) some
C) any
D) a lot
E) none
2. Going to for future
Indique cu谩l de las alternativas debe insertarse en el siguiente espacio para dar sentido adecuado a la oraci贸n.
In a few years UNI Students __________ fly to Mars. UNI-2024-II.
A) will go
B) are going to
C) looks like
D) I’m flying
E) is going to
Julia told me we ____________ to visit Cuzco, next year. UNI-2023-I.
A) perhaps / go
B) might / going
C) be / going
D) should / go
E) are / going
3. Second conditional
Indique la alternativa que debe insertarse en el espacio dejado para dar sentido a la oraci贸n.
If I ______ you, I ______ that gadget. UNI-2024-II.
A) were - will buy
B) was - won’t buy
C) were - won’t buy
D) was - would buys
E) were - wouldn’t buy
4. Present simple for plural (“they”)
Indique cu谩l de las alternativas debe insertarse en el espacio dejado para dar el sentido adecuado a la oraci贸n.
My aunt’s children __________ work at 8 pm every evening. Then she goes to English classes. UNI-2024-II.
A) to finish
B) finishes
C) finish
D) is finish
E) to finishes
5. Present continuous
Indique la alternativa que debe insertarse en el siguiente espacio para darle un sentido adecuado a la oraci贸n.
Weather report: “It’s seven o’clock in Tampa and ……… ”. UNI-2024-I.
A) there is snow
B) it’s snowing
C) it snows
D) it snowed
E) there snowed
6. Direct-indirect object
Marque el uso correcto de las preposiciones para completar la siguiente oraci贸n.
Why are you shouting …….. me? I haven’t done anything! UNI-2024-I.
A) at
B) to
C) on
D) a
E) in
7. Present simple
Marque la alternativa que debe insertarse en el siguiente espacio para darle sentido adecuado a la oraci贸n.
I can’t afford that necklace. It ……. too much. UNI-2024-I.
A) cost
B) costs
C) is costing
D) is cost
E) has cost
¿Cu谩l de las alternativas debe insertarse en el siguiente espacio para darle un sentido adecuado a la oraci贸n?
……… many times every winter in Otawa. UNI-2024-I.
A) It snows
B) It snowed
C) It is snowing
D) It is snow
E) It is snowed
8. Superlativos
Complete the sentence.
The Lake Titicaca is the …… lake located ……. Peru at 4000 meters above mean sea level. UNI-2023-II.
A) biger / off
B) bigger / at
C) most big / in
D) bigest / in
E) biggest / in
9. Preposiciones IN/ON para fechas y tiempo PAST SIMPLE
Complete the paragraph with the most appropiate word.
Albert Einstein __________ born at Ulm, __________ March 14th, 1879. Later he __________ to Italy to study. UNI-2023-I.
A) get - on - change
B) were - at - travel
C) was - on - moved
D) was - in - moved
E) was - on - born
10. Modal verb for recommendation, suggestion or advice
If you really expect to achieve your goals, you ______ ______ reading today. UNI-2023-I.
A) should / start
B) shall / start
C) may / start
D) will / start
E) might / start
11. Comparativos
Complete the sentence with the correct word(s).
Lucy is wearing a t-shirt ___________ than the sky. UNI-2023-I.
A) more blue
B) bluest
C) most blue
D) bluer
E) more bluer

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